Write high converting copy in less than 30 minutes

If you spend hours struggling for inspiration on how to write high converting copy, only to discover your conversion rates are lower than a snake's belly, then this if for you.


Kiss goodbye to the days of staring at a blank screen or taking to Chat GPT to churn out mediocre copy that sounds like everyone else and learn my proven framework for writing copy that converts in less than 30 minutes.Ā 



  • Writing copy makes you want to lie down in a dark room with a flannel on your forehead

  • You seem to spend more time staring at a blank screen than you do writing the copy

  • Your conversion rates leave you frustrated and you're left scratching your head wondering what you've done wrong

Say no more, give it to me now!


  • My messaging matrixĀ that helps to focus your copy on exactly what you need to write to get people to take action
  • An example of how I used this on a live ad campaign
  • My secret hack to writing copy for an ideal client that makes them think youā€™re reading their mind

Get instant access to this training now

Meet Your Host...

Hi! I’m Emma Van Heusen, Agency Owner, Positive Psychology Coach, Best-Selling Author and a Facebook™ Ads Coach who has trained over 700 Social Media Managers, Coaches and Business Owners how to run ads with confidence, grow their business and command high-ticket retainers.

Back in 2016 I was a freelance Social Media Manager on Universal Credit from the government and was totally winging it with ad campaigns. I know exactly how it feels to be spending money without understanding the results and being able to make data driven decisions or any decisions at all for that matter!
Since then, I’ve gone on to be mentored by Facebook’s Global Strategy Team on how to run successful ad campaigns and then with some of the World’s leading digital marketers. This was a total game-changer for my business as well as my mindset.
These skills have allowed me to step out of the weeds and build a successful multiple six-figure business in less than 9 months and as a single Mum, give myself and my son choice and opportunities I only ever dreamed of.
Say no more... I need this!